Friday, February 17, 2012

Wow... Have not been here in awhile!

Greetings All, 
     It would appear I have been neglecting my "online journal" for quite a long time. Since my last entry I have moved across the country to a new residence in a different state, trained five drivers, driven through several blizzards and a pair of tornadoes, crossed multiple mountains, and basically zig-zagged the country several times over. In short, I have been a tad busy. 

     The past year has been, in a word, interesting. There appears to be nothing original in America these days. A city is a city, a road is a road, a hill is a hill... and in every place I have been everything is painfully the same. Everywhere across America you can shop at the same stores and eat at the same restaurants as you might have done 2,000 miles from where you were last. Traffic is still the same, with the same lack of intelligence behind the wheels of the multitudes of cars across the country from city to city. People still get on the highway while holding a cellphone to their ear with their left hand, effectively eliminating their view of the rear view mirror on the driver's side door... which they should be checking prior to attempting to merge with 65 mile per hour traffic. People in every city across America still hold tightly to the uninformed belief that because I have 18 wheels I have 18 brakes and can stop on a dime faster than they can. What a painfully unintelligent assumption to make... and in some cases even fatal. This past year I have seen many a crash, all of which might have been avoided altogether with a measure of basic common sense while sitting behind the wheel. So many drivers out there will never know I saved their lives by being aware of their lack of awareness and common sense.

     In the past year, with every place I have been, and with every city I see, I notice the complacency of the people. Everyone has complaints about the current status quo yet no one really does anything for it. "We the People" cannot really vote out those in power as our votes do not really matter, nor do they count. If they did, then why would we need an electoral college to tell us who we voted for? It is Their votes that matter, not ours. Florida was a clear indication of that during one election, and Texas during another. It is indeed difficult to vote out those who vote for their own pay raises and draft laws that work specifically against "We the People". So I began digging, and researching, and reading more. The more I learned the more I realized one basic truth: Those "conspiracy theory nuts"... they might really be right! After all, if it has a basis in "fact" then is no longer a theory at all. Goethe was right... "None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free".

     Well then, I will make an effort to post entries as time permits... now that I have internet on the truck again. Hopefully, my next entry will not be a year in waiting. Until next time...

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Technology, Science, and Religion - Interconnected?

The following is an excerpt of the introduction from the book by Bernard Heuvel titled “The Mysteries – the Knowledge of Subtle Energy”. The implications and questions that may arise will become self evident...

“Why do people devote themselves to any kind of religious or spiritual service? What do
the priests do with this devotion in a religious ritual? Why do people devote themselves
to a god and what is the sacramental mechanism behind this? What is the meaning of
initiation for a future priests or Masonic candidates who are ready to develop themselves
spiritually? Why do people join religious and magical groups? We will find out what are
the esoteric mechanics behind initiation. We will most importantly find out that through
history the different sacramental systems formed an invisible matrix of subtle energy,
with a real and allegedly beneficent influence on the surroundings. Another possibility is
that this real influence creates a kind of limited frequency range as a vibration prison for
the people, popularly called the subtle energy matrix, or the matrix.

We find hidden clues in myth of ancient physics. Ancient priests in this view are priest-
technicians. A whole paleo-physics emerges, reconstructed from ancient philosophical
writings, myths and stories. The so-called Hermetic tradition unveils according to Joseph
P. Farrell a lot of knowledge about paleo-physics, allegedly presenting itself as esoteric
philosophy. In both cases, we are dealing with systems passed unto us through scriptural
and oral traditions. These traditions are veiled in myths. The idea that myths are veiled
scientific facts, only known to a few initiated, will be researched further in this book. We
can view ancient esoteric traditions in two ways: Are we dealing in myth with hidden
spiritual Gnosis, or with ancient paleo-physical principles? This makes research into
mythology and the esoteric a complicated but very exiting matter.

We will deal with modern views of physical laws. We speak about the latest ideas on
tachyon energy and zero point energy. What have these insights to do with the lore of the
esoteric traditions? In addition, we will discuss if HAARP is a modern technological
creation to limit the mental and emotional freedom of people. Modern technology can
keep the consciousness of people in a limited range. This makes that people are contained
in an emotional and mental vibration prison, maybe in the same way as the ancient subtle
energy matrix was creating a thought prison. Has technology replaced ancient
sacramental structures to achieve the goal of controlling the population for the purposes
of the elite owners of this technology?

Is there possibility that a new global religion is about to accompany the New World
Order? Has the New Aeon of Horus come into motion? Now we know the principles how
to build a religious cult, it becomes more possible to see the place the individual takes
between the ruling elite and the created religion. This all leads to the conclusion that
maintaining a subtle energy matrix in a negative way by desecration is the way to keep
the individuals in their own emotional and mental prisons. Creating a positive energy grid
by consecration can help liberate individuals and beneficially influence collective
consciousness. ”

An excerpt from the Emerald Tablets of Thoth, tablet XIV “Atlantis”(as this is in regards to religion specifically):

“List ye, O Man, to the deep hidden wisdom,
lost to the world since the time of the Dwellers,
lost and forgotten by men of this age.

Know ye this Earth is but a portal,
guarded by powers unknown to man.
Yet, the Dark Lords hide the entrance
that leads to the Heaven-born land.
Know ye, the way to the sphere of Arulu
is guarded by barriers opened only to Light-born man.

Upon Earth, I am the holder of the keys
to the gates of the Sacred Land.
Command I, by the powers beyond me,
to leave the keys to the world of man.

Before I depart, I give ye the Secrets of how
ye may rise from the bondage of darkness,
cast off the fetters of flesh that have bound ye,
rise from the darkness into the Light.

Know ye, the soul must be cleansed of its darkness,
ere ye may enter the portals of Light.
Thus, I established among ye the Mysteries
so that the Secrets may always be found.

Aye, though man may fall into darkness,
always the Light will shine as a guide.
Hidden in darkness, veiled in symbols,
always the way to the portal will be found.
Man in the future will deny the mysteries
but always the way the seeker will find.

Now I command ye to maintain my secrets,
giving only to those ye have tested,
so that the pure may not be corrupted,
so that the power of Truth may prevail.

List ye now to the unveiling of Mystery.
List to the symbols of Mystery I give.
Make of it a religion for only thus will its essence remain.”

Keeping in mind that, according the legends, the Emerald Tablets were written some 36,000 years prior to the Bible. Thoth himself advises the priesthood to create religion in the interest of preserving the essence of the secrets.

It is not Pharaohs, Presidents, or Kings that run countries, but the priesthood... since ancient times. Thoth himself was titled a “Priest-King”. The Book of Revelations in the bible claims as much where it mentions “the whore that sits upon the thrones of many nations”. This is a direct reference to the Vatican itself. For those who disbelieve, I will remind you of the handshake deal the Pope had with Hitler during World War Two... there are photographs illustrating this in every history book as well as online.

As far as the subtle energy matrix and mind control technology is concerned, and aside from HAARP, I encourage you to view a rather extensive list of mind control technology patents at:

If you pay attention to the dates of the patents, you gain a clear realization of exactly how long they have been working on the art of control of masses.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

The Ten Commandements...?

The following is an excerpt from the Egyptian "Book of the Dead" and is know as the negative confession...

(1) Ani saith: "Hail, thou whose strides are long, who comest forth from Annu, I have not done iniquity."
(2) "Hail, thou who art embraced by flame, who comest forth from Kheraba, I have not robbed with
(3) "Hail, Fentiu, who comest forth from Khemennu, I have not stolen."
(4) "Hail, Devourer of the Shade, who comest forth from Qernet, I have done no murder; I have done no
(5) "Hail, Nehau, who comest forth from Re-stau, I have not defrauded offerings."
(6) "Hail, god in the form of two lions, who comest forth from heaven, I have not minished oblations."
(7) "Hail, thou whose eyes are of fire, who comest forth from Saut, I have not plundered the god."
(8) "Hail, thou Flame, which comest and goest, I have spoken no lies."
(9) "Hail, Crusher of bones, who comest forth from Suten-henen, I have not snatched away food."
(10) "Hail, thou who shootest forth the Flame, who comest forth from Het-Ptah-ka, I have not caused
(11) "Hall, Qerer, who comest forth from Amentet, I have not committed fornication."
(12) "Hail, thou whose face is turned back, who comest forth from thy hiding place, I have not caused
shedding of tears."
(13) "Hail, Bast, who comest forth from the secret place, I have not dealt deceitfully."
(14) "Hail, thou whose legs are of fire, who comest forth out of the darkness, I have not transgressed."
(15) "Hail, Devourer of Blood, who comest forth from the block of slaughter, I have not acted
(16) "Hail, Devourer of the inward parts, who comest forth from Mabet, I have not laid waste the
ploughed land."
(17) "Hail, Lord of Right and Truth, who comest forth from the city of Right and Truth, I have not been
an eavesdropper."
(18) "Hail, thou who dost stride backwards, who comest forth from the city of Bast, I have not set my
lips in motion [against any man]."
(19) "Hail, Sertiu, who comest forth from Annu, I have not been angry and wrathful except for a just
(20) "Hail, thou. being of two-fold wickedness, who comest forth from Ati (?) I have not defiled the wife
of any man."
(21) "Hail, thou two-headed serpent, who comest forth from the torture-chamber, I have not defiled the
wife of any man."
(22) "Hail, thou who dost regard what is brought unto thee, who comest forth from Pa-Amsu, I have not
polluted myself."
(23) "Hail, thou Chief of the mighty, who comest forth from Amentet, I have not caused terror."
(24) "Hail, thou Destroyer, who comest forth from Kesiu, I have not transgressed."
(25) "Hail, thou who orderest speech, who comest forth from Urit, I have not burned with rage."
(26) "Hail, thou Babe, who comest forth from Uab, I have not stopped my ears against the words of
Right and Truth."
(27) "Hail, Kenemti, who comest forth from Kenemet, I have not worked grief"
(28) "Hail, thou who bringest thy offering, I have not acted with insolence."
(30) "Hail, Lord of faces, who comest forth from Netchfet, I have not judged hastily."
(31) "Hail, Sekheriu, who comest forth from Utten, I have not been an eavesdropper."
(32) "Hail, Lord of the two horns, who comest forth from Saïs, I have not multiplied words exceedingly."
(33) "Hail, Nefer-Tmu, who comest forth from Het-Ptah-ka, I have done neither harm nor ill."
(34) "Hail, Tmu in thine hour, who comest forth from Tattu, I have never cursed the king."
(35) "Hail, thou who workest with thy will, who comest forth from Tebu, I have never fouled the water."
(36) "Hail, thou bearer of the sistrum, who comest forth from Nu, I have not spoken scornfully."
(37) "Hail, thou who makest mankind to flourish, who comest forth from Saïs, I have never cursed God."
(38) "Flail, Neheb-ka, who comest forth from thy hiding place, I have not stolen."
(39) "Hail, Neheb-nefert, who comest forth from thy hiding place, I have not defrauded the offerings of
the gods."
(40) "Hail, thou who dost set in order the head, who comest forth from thy shrine, I have not plundered
the offerings to the blessed dead."
(40 "Hail, thou who bringest thy arm, who comest forth from the city of Maati, I have not filched the
food of the infant, neither have I sinned against the god of my native town."
(42) "Hail, thou whose teeth are white, who comest forth from Ta-she, I have not slaughtered with evil
intent the cattle of the god."

If one were to eliminate the redundancies and extraneous wording, simplify it and clean it up a bit, then you would end up with:

1 “I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. You shall have no other gods before Me.
2 “You shall not make for yourself a carved image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth; you shall not bow down to them nor serve them. For I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and fourth generations of those who hate Me, but showing mercy to thousands, to those who love Me and keep My Commandments.
3 “You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain, for the Lord will not hold him guiltless who takes His name in vain.
4 “Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord your God. In it you shall do no work: you, nor your son, nor your daughter, nor your male servant, nor your female servant, nor your cattle, nor your stranger who is within your gates. For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested the seventh day. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it.
5 “Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long upon the land which the Lord your God is giving you.
6 “You shall not murder.
7 “You shall not commit adultery.
8 “You shall not steal.
9 “You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
10 “You shall not covet your neighbor's house; you shall not covet your neighbor's wife, nor his male servant, nor his female servant, nor his ox, nor his donkey, nor anything that is your neighbor's.”

Of interest to note here is that the religion of the Hebrews who fled Egypt was actually the Egyptian religion... which was the original precursor to modern Judaism as well as Christianity. That being the case, it is fair and reasonable to assert that Hebrew religion and mysticism alike are in all actuality Egyptian in origin. Another interesting point is the name of the little nation of Israel... a contraction of three names: Isis, Ra, and El. Isis and Ra of Egyptian worship, and El of Semitic. The Egyptian religion preceded Christianity by roughly 1500-2000 years, with the Book of the Dead being in use from around 1550 BCE.

Now this really begs the question...
Did Moses light that bush on fire himself so he would have a light to see by at night as he carved the abbreviated negative confession onto stone tablets himself? I mean it was what... forty days he was up there on the mount? Surely if the finger of God had inscribed the negative confession... er... ten commandments on two stone tablets it would have taken less time than that.

The point is, the Bible and other religious texts are written by the hands of Men. Tailored specifically to invoke fear in the interest of control. Control of beliefs, attitudes, opinions, and behaviours. Interestingly Mass Media and Government serve identically that same purpose... but do we go around making wild claims that some unseen Divine force made that film or wrote those Laws...? For the record, the word "government" is derived from two words of the old Latin language. Those words are "guber" and "mente". Translated, quite literally I might add, they mean Mind Control!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

The Seven Elements of Man

(As promised... a bit of a diversion from discussing work...)

The First Element of Man is perishable matter.

The Second Element of Man is is the portion of the Universal Agent which gives him life.

The Third Element of Man is is the reflection of his perishable substance in the Astral Light - coincident with him, but not visible to his earthly eye.

The Fourth Element of Man is made up of all the desires he feels by his material senses - this part is not real being, nor is it transitory being, but a result of being.

The Fifth Element of Man is that which says "I am" whereby a man knows himself from other men; and with it there is an intelligence of lower things, but no intelligence of things higher.

The Sixth Element of Man is the pure understanding - eternal and co-extensive with all infinity of time and space, real and imperishable, invisible to the eyes of Man.

The Seventh Element of Man is the Soul from God.

~attributed to the teaching of Zoroaster

I found this interesting when I had happened across it. For those who do not know, Zoroaster was credited with the creation and development of Monotheism. Zoroastrianism preceded Christianity by a good six hundred years. I should add here that I am by no means a religious person, however, I find comparative research of religions intriguing as I enjoy tracing the roots of things that are. Interestingly, where Christianity is concerned, a measure of Zoroastrian Philosophy was "borrowed" and incorporated into the writing of the Christian Bible. For that matter, the Christian Bible is essentially an encyclopedia of every religion that preceded Christianity.

Every religion, to include Zoroastrianism, has its primary foundational roots deep in Hermetic Philosophy and Wisdom. For that matter, every "-ology" that exists today was born from Hermetic Philosophy... every science, each of the religions, modern medicine, the varying forms of "magic", and most forms of modern philosophy. Hermetic Philosophy is quite literally tens of thousands of years old. The teachings of Thoth/Hermes date back up to 36,000 years prior to Christianity.

Here are another seven elements, but these elements are the seven primary Hermetic Principles:

The Principle of Mentalism ~ The ALL is Mind, the Universe is Mental.

The Principle Correspondence ~ As it is Above so it is Below, as below so above.

The Principle of Vibration ~ Nothing rests... all things vibrate, all things move.

The Principle of Polarity ~ Everything is dual. Everything has poles. Everything has its pair of opposites. Like and unlike are the same. Opposites are identical in nature, varying only in degree. Extremes meet, all truths are but half truths. All paradoxes may be be reconciled.

The Principle of Rhythm ~ Everything flows... out and in. Everything has tides. All things rise and fall. The pendulum swing manifests in All things. The swing to the right is the measure of the swing to the left. Rhythm compensates.

The Principle of Cause and Effect ~ Everything is cause and effect. Every effect has its root cause, everything happens according to the Law. Chance is but a name for Law not recognized. There are many planes of Causation, but nothing escapes the Law.

The Principle of Gender ~ Gender is in everything. Everything has its masculine and feminine principles. Gender manifests on all planes.

~ From The Kybalion (which I highly recommend)

Now then, if we compare these two very different sets of seven elements, in them we can identify various bits from the Christian Bible which have clearly been pilfered, expanded upon, and altered to conceal their direct origin. Make no mistake, there are clearly some excellent philosophies found in the Bible. I will never discount that. What I will say however, is that Christianity is not at all what people think it to be.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Snowed In

This week, I got a really good taste of winter. Winds up to 40 mph, snow blowing sideways, visibility of less than one eighth of a mile... it was fairly intense. The temperature was so low that frostbite could set in within thirty minutes of exposure. I played it safe and got myself off of the road... only to get snowed in at the truck stop. It took the plow crew the entire time from sunrise to almost sunset to clear away the snow so that drivers could get out of the parking lot. Good thing the heater in my truck works really well and I had filled my fuel tanks!

So, while sitting here encased in snow in my truck, waiting to leave, I have nothing to do but contemplate and read, and play on this little machine. The feeling of being a mouse in a cage comes to mind... luckily I am not claustrophobic!

Contemplation... a beautiful thing. A thing that allows for the total freedom of mind wherein ones thoughts can run rampant through forests of memories and fields of philosophies, rivers of ideas and oceans of dreams. Freedom of thought is the one aspect of freedom that most people tend to take for granted, in my opinion.
Soren Kierkegaard Said it best (regarding freedom of thought): "People demand freedom of speech to compensate for the freedom of thought which they seldom use."

I think he was definitely on to something with that, especially when one realizes that freedom of speech is only truly beneficial to those who, first and foremost, exercise their freedom of thought vigorously prior to speaking. After all, true communication is people exchanging ideas, thoughts, concepts, and the like. Talking on the other hand is people exchanging only empty words.

That being said, for a time I might exchange a few thoughts and ideas here on this little online journal of mine. It might indeed become a welcome diversion to discussing work related items in this forum that most people call "blog".

Until the next entry... hmmm... I will let you wonder what might be coming...

Monday, January 31, 2011

Winter Driving

Today I am in the Northwest corner if Missouri heading toward the lower southeast corner of Iowa. Winter storm warnings are numerous and the outlook is not pretty for the coming week. According to NPR:

When Driving on Snow and ice, the things to remember are:
1. Speed kills... Do not drive too fast for the road conditions, slow down and be gentle with braking.

2. No push, no pull, no slide... if you maintain even rpms with minimal accelerating and minimal braking the risk of sliding on slick roads is dramatically reduced.

3. If you have to stop to put chains on your tires, then it is time to simply get off the road and wait it out. Even with chains the risk of sliding is still present. For that matter, just because you chain your tires does not necessarily mean that others are doing similarly.

4. Extend the length of your following distance. If the car in front of you stops suddenly, will you be able to stop without hitting them or someone else because you sent yourself into a slide?

5. If you do not have to be out on the roads, then do not drive. Better safe than sorry.

Winter weather is no laughing matter when it comes to driving. People every year lose their lives (or sometimes just limbs) in traffic accidents that could have been prevented with simple measures of common sense, common road courtesy, and most importantly Patience, behind the wheel!

Be safe out there in the world people, and please drive safely whether it is winter or summer.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Just a thought...

Driving all day gives one time... time to see the scenery and admire its beauty. Time to contemplate things. Time to plan things. When I am out on the open road, many things come to my mind. Some of those things stay and linger, others disappear as quickly as they came.

Today, I am driving through Kansas... it is flat and windy and generally speaking, a rather boring and uneventful drive. This got me to thinking about other places I have driven. Virginia, for example, with its incredible landscapes and scenic views off mountain roads. I must admit, though, that wide open places like Kansas give one a feeling of freedom, but not on the scale that one gets in Arizona. I love the interstate 40 run through Arizona for that reason primarily. Most people might be thinking "'s Dessert though! What is so exciting about that?" If you have never driven it, then you will never know. The dessert is peaceful and serene with wide open skies where every star is visible for as far as the eyes can see at night. Regarding that incredible feeling of freedom, the dessert is expansive, and if one were to leave the road, no one would ever find you again... especially if you did not learn how to survive in a dessert environment. If, however, you did learn dessert survival, it is the ideal "hiding place" to get away from the troubles of modern society.

I have noticed that most people drive as fast as they can to get from place to place. Sadly they miss the beauty of the scenery as tunnel vision between the lines on the road takes hold of them. Perhaps if more people took the time to notice the beauty of this country that we call home, there might be a more a concerted effort to stop polluting it and poisoning ourselves in the process...